Saturday, November 12, 2016

Emerson's Child

The way Emerson would've seen the election is that America made a choice and that was to elect Donald Trump as president, Emerson is a patriot and what all patriots need to do is too come together and be united as we always are. Just as Emerson said "What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say" and that is true so fuck all the protesting shit, get over the fact that we cannot change the elect president of the U.S. instead of protesting, you should've got out of bed and voted for your preferred candidate. Emerson said the youth had a voice and that is true, but what annoys me the most is how 2/3 of the youth do not use their privilege on voting and rather protest on who is elected. So what Emerson would say to this is that, these 4 years will be a ride, but maybe this election has taught you a thing or two. So what we need to do is too come together and end this racist shit that's been going around and grow together as a community.
 " Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". Just as the quote says, pretty self explanatory if you ask me, but what Emerson would say is in order for you to pursue a dream you would have to find something that you are really interested in. Don't do it for the money, yet work for something that you are very passionate about. "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" and Emerson this fucking genius is correct yes he something good in life but why not be something iconic and lead others to follow. Being different is the key that Emerson sees in everyone, being different is the beauty of humanity so why not be something other than what's usually seen around your community and be something else that no one expected you to be. Show the world what you are made of. 
 "Always do what you are afraid to do" & yes that comes in contact with me what if the courses on becoming a dentist seem difficult right now, why don't you just overcome your fear and lead no into tempatation but deliver yourself some success. As Emerson had said "our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail" and yes without failure comes success and failing is the key on becoming successful how do you want to get everything your way. You have to fail in order to get back up and think and realize what your problem is not only to solve it but too overcome this obstacle. Emerson would tell me fake it till you make it until I get to where I want to be. 
     Being yourself is tough at times because this is where doubt or faking comes in. In order for you to do things the way you want you must be yourself follow your own rhythm and find your own path and that is what will take you somewhere in life. Trying to be someone is a terrible waste of time, quit trying to be someone you are not and be someone you were destined to be. I am my own person I am dedicated to learning and as well as getting the paper, I was raised in a hard working family and man has it taught me so much, my uncle just spoke to me last night and he said when I worked with him in the fields I was his co worker and once job ended I was nephew and this is strong because he wanted me to understand what hard work is, he would talk too me like if i weren't related to him, he did this to see me mature and work as a man. Him not being fortunate enough to speak English is tough, what he said, " is to learn from a white man how things are runned over here cuz one day it'all be worth it. 
    Emerson is a wise man and what the purpose of self reliance is to be yourself and find who and what you are really made of. Being yourself is what being a human is all about, be that person you want yourself to be and overcome the fear and challenges life has upon you. Being yourself is happiness I'm a very happy person, I give more but expect less, expectations hurt and life is only so short that you wish you could'v ewnjoyed it if you were actually yourself. Some may say live fast and die young but who's willing to tell that story because I drive slow and pray I die old, life is precious. So before you quit, try, before you die, live and before you pray, forgive.

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